ABC Alphabet
ABC AlphabetABC Alphabet Letters - have hours of fun with the assortment of fruit flavoured candy sweets in the shape of letters of the alphabet. Spell your name, great for parties and even for helping teach your children learn to spell!
Acid drops
Acid DrpsAcid drops are made to make your mouth water! These tradtional sour sweets are a traditional favourite and come individually wrapped.
Aniseed balls
Aniseed BallsAniseed Balls - this traditional hard sweet like a small browny red gobstopper is flavoured using aniseed oil. It lasts a long time in the mouth and is a favourite sweet in the UK, New Zealand and Australia!
Army & navy
Army & NavyArmy and Navy sweets from yester year. These lozenges have a distinctive liquorice flavour which is very soothing. Made by Paynes traditional sweet manufacturers, old fashioned army & navy are a real gem.
Banana Foams
Banana FoamsIt is unlikely that you'll transform into Banana Man by eating these Retro Banana Sweets but they are sure to tantalise your taste buds. These large foam bananas have that sweet, classic banana taste that we all remember and love.
Barley Sugar
Barley SugarBarley Sugar Barley sugar sweet sticks so satisflying, with a rich, soothing, sugar taste...these boiled confectionery sticks are the perfect 'in your handbag' or lunchbox suckable snack as they come individually wrapped. Also available are a blackcurrant and peppermint versions of these sweet sticks.
Bassetts Allsorts
Bassetts AllsortsLiquorice Allsorts – the sweets of choice for many a liquorice lover.... a mixture of black and coloured aniseed favourites from cuttings, to coconut rolls, spogs to cubes, all great on their own, but so much fun all together, why break tradition liquorice allsorts are made by Bassetts.
Blackcurrent & Liquorice
Blackcurrent & LiquoriceBlackcurrant & liquorice sweets mix together to very distinctive flavours into one yummy sweet that any liquorice fan will love. These boiled sweets have an oh so chewy centre and a mouth watering flavour.
Blackjack Chews
Black JacksBlack Jacks are a classic in terms of the penny chew! An aniseed and liquorice chewy retro sweet, often paired with the other retro chew, Fruit Salads.
Bon bons - Lemon
Bon bons - LemonLemon bon bons are old fashioned favourite. These sugar dusted balls are lemon flavoured with a chewy lemon flavour toffee centre. Perfect on their own or a real treat mixed with other bon bons!
Bon bons - Strawberry
Bon bons - StrawberryStrawberry bon bons, a strawberry chewy centre in a crisp casing and a dusting of sweet strawberry icing sugar. Perfect on their own or a real treat mixes with other bon bons!
Bon bons - Toffee
Bon bons - ToffeeToffee Bon Bons are old fashioned favourite. These sugar dusted balls are lemon flavoured with a chewy toffee centre. Perfect on their own or a real treat mixed with other bon bons!
Bulls Eye
Bulls EyeBulls eyes are black and white sugar coated mints. These small boiled sweets are a lovely peppermint flavour that has just the right strength.
Candy Sticks
Candy SticksCandy sticks by Bassetts have been around for a long long time... they are a hard candy which is soft enough to bite... yum, they have a have a sugary powdery candy coating and also come in pink.
Candy necklace
Candy necklaceCandy necklaces offer hours of fun for children and adults.... crunchy sweetie beads with a fizzy fruity flavour – eat them or wear them the choice is yours!
Candy Watch
Candy WatchDescription
Chewits Strawberry Twister
Chewits Strawberry TwisterStrawberry Twisters - hollow twisty sticks of delicious red liquorice. They have that real takeyoubacktotheplayground factor - .we can`t stop munching them over here!
Chocolate Buttons
Chocolate ButtonsOne of our all time favourites! Deliciously creamy little chocolate buttons that taste so yummy. It`s funny, but I remember the bags being so big when I was a wee nipper.... but then again, my hands were so much smaller then. I use to make one bag last ages... now it disappears in a jiffy!
Chocolate Raisins
<Chocolate RaisinsChocolate raisins are raisins with a chocolate coating... you’d be nuts to miss these a favourite snack of many! Can be mixed with chocolate Peanuts and chocolate brazils for an even tastier treat.
Coconut Ice Candy
Coconut Ice CandyTraditional tasty pink and white Coconut candies. Another old favourite from the past and tastes just like it used to!! Now you can pretend you are at the Seaside and have an ice !!!!!
Cola Cubes
Cola cubesAnother great retro sweet! Made by Pascalls, these delicious sugar-coated, boiled sweet cubes with a chewy centre are packed with cola flavour and you know you're getting the very best quality.
Curry Kali Mints
Curry Kali MintsKali is a Hindu goddess that represents death, destruction, time and change. And what food comes to mind when you think of death, destruction, time and change? Curry! These exotic spice mints are great on their own or as an accompaniment to basmati rice and garlic naan. Each 2-1/4" round tin contains one hundred mints.
Dip Dabs
Dip DabsDip Dabs - confectionery heaven for those that grew up in the 70's and 80's. A sachet full of fizzy and zingy, white sherbet and a juicy red lolly ready to dip.....mmmmmmmm. Dip Dabs or dib dabs as they are often called are a sweet you can never forget.
DrumsticksDrumstick lollies - An original from the sweetie counter made by Swizzels Matlow – though this rectangular wrapped chewy lolly is a sweet that is hard to forget! These raspberry and milk flavour lollies are really chewy.
Everton Mints
Everton MintsEverton Mints are sweet, black-and-white striped candy with a hard outer shell and an OH so soft chewy mint centre. The name came from the fact that a woman, known as the Toffee Lady, used to throw handfuls of these mints to the crowd at Everton football matches during half-time. Chewy and delicious... and can be enjoyed by Liverpool and other football fans alike!!
FizzersA little bit like refreshers only smaller and not quite as fizzy, sold in small packets by the 100g. This is what queuing up for the tuckshop was all about!
Fizzy Cola
Fizzy ColaFizzy cola bottles are jelly sweets shaped like bottles of cola with clear bottle a brown cola! These sweets with a fizzy sour sugar coating, made to make your mouth water!
Flying Saucers
Flying SaucersFlying Saucers - Coloured wafers filled with fizzy, zingy, fruit sherbet. Flyingsaucers are an absolute classic british sweet, great childhood memories of fizzy mouth's!
Foam Mushrooms
<Foam MushroomsFoam Mushrooms are little pink and white mushrooms shaped sweets which are so cute and so tasty. They will make you smile as you work your way through a huge 200 gram bag.
Fried Eggs
Fried EggsFried egg sweets are deliciously chewy jelly sweets and please have no fear they are not egg flavour, but a milky fruity sort of flavour. A classic sweet in the shape of a fried egg - soft and white on the outside with a yellow jelly centre.
Fruit by the Foot
Fruit by the FootFruit by the Foot is very similar to Fruit Roll-Ups (also a General Mills product), in its presentation of being rolled up within itself, but differs in taste, dimension and consumption methods. The similarity in name and concept is such that many people sometimes mistakenly refer to Fruit by the Foot as "Fruit Roll-Ups" and vice versa. The candy is 3 feet long, and has a loop at the end. Current marketing slogans include "3 Feet of Fun!"
Fun Gums
FunGumsA great and tasty novelty jelly sweet. These fruit flavour gums are shaped as teeth and toothbrushes. They're come in convenient pocket sized packs
Ghanaian Ginger Sweets
Ghanaian Ginger SweetsDescription
Giant Strawberries
Giant StrawberriesGiant Haribo strawberries are fruit flavoured jelly sweets in the shape of a strawberry.
GobstoppersGobstoppers are brightly coloured sweets that are little round balls. Gobstoppers have been sold in traditional sweet shops for at least a century. Gobstoppers dissolve very slowly, and last a very long time in the mouth.
Green Buddha Mints
Green Buddha MintsAchieve nirvana in your mouth with these metaphysically delicious breath mints!
Halal Melon Flavoured Marshmallows
Halal Melon Flavoured MarshmallowsDelicious watermelon slice shaped soft, spongy marshmallows.
Haribo Tangtastics
Haribo TangtasticsTangfastics - a variety of sour sugar coated jelly sweets made by Haribo. There are fizzy cola bottles, fizzy cherries, fizzy dummies and fizzy crocodiles. Haribo Tangfastics are made without any artificial colours.
Haribo Yellow Bellies
Haribo Yellow Bellies RegularThese are long and fruity very tasty snake shapped gummy sweets the kids will love- Great for kids party bags.
Haribo Yellow Bellies -large
Haribo Yellow Bellies LargeYellow bellies made by haribo large jelly sweets in the shape of snakes. With a yellow jelly candy bottom and a fruity top, yellow bellies make a sssssssssscrumptious treat!
Hotix Insects Lollies
Hotix Insects LolliesDescription
Ice Cream Cones
Ice Cream ConesDescription
Jamaican Ginger Log
Jamaican Ginger LogJamaican Ginger Log, hard candy, 12 packs containing 12 individually wrapped sweets. Remember the good ol' days of busta, paradise plum, toffee and juju! These have the harsh taste of ginger.
Jamaican Mint Balls
Jamaican Mint BallsDescription
Jamaican Paradise Plums
Jamaican Paradise PlumsDescription
Jamaican Tamarind Balls
Jamaican Tamarind Balls(8 balls) in a bag, contains seeds. A Jamaican favourite (Price is for 3 packs) Honeycomb Tamarind Balls 76g. This is favourite snack across the Caribbean. Product of Jamaica.
Jazzies Chocolate Flavoured GemsJazzies are delightful milk chocolate drops with rainbow sprinkles on the top. Great as a treat, even better teamed with snowies.
Jelly Babies
Jelly BabiesThe jelly baby - a classic sweet, what more can we say? Assorted fruit flavour baby shapes, dusted with sugar. The best of British with a fruity taste and jelly texture only the original jelly babies by Barratt have.
Jelly Beans
Jelly BeansJelly Beans have a hard sweet candy coating that one you bite through are very chewy. Jellybeans come in a multi colour, mixed fruit flavour assortment.
Juicy Lips
Juicy LipsStrawberry flavoured jelly lips are juicy sweets that all ages will enjoy. If you are thinking of smaller lips then those are the cherry versions... we have them all at the Sweet Treat Company!
Kola Kubes
Kola KubesCola cubes or Kola Kubes are a traditional sweet from way back! These cube shaped boiled sweets with a sugar coating taste like cola and have a fab orange colour. Retro sweet, funky shape!
LipstickA fruity flavoured candy lipstick to make your lips ever so puckersome and sweet. (Not proper lipstick - just lick it off to remove)
Liquorice Allsorts
Liquorice AllsortsLiquorice Allsorts – the sweets of choice for many a liquorice lover.... a mixture of black and coloured aniseed favourites from cuttings, to coconut rolls, spogs to cubes, all great on their own, but so much fun all together, why break tradition liquorice allsorts are made by Bassetts.
Liquorice Twists
Liquorice twistsSoft Liquorice with a twist. If liquorice is your thing, then these are certainly for you. Chunks of tasty smooth & twisted soft chewy liquorice.
Mega Double Lollipos
<Mega double lollipopsMega Double Lollies are a giant lollipop version of this classic lollypop. Made by Swizzels and full of fruity flavour. Now these lollies are not for the faint hearted; they are MEGA.
- Milk Chocolate Almonds
Millions - Orange
Millions - OrangeOrange flavour Millions - the original tiny tasty chewy sweets - yummy!
Mini Gumball Machine
Mini Gumball MachineDescription
Mini Love Hearts
Mini Love heartsMini Love Hearts sweets little candy sweets with a message. Lovehearts have played their own part in the making and breaking of many a childhood romance, send these to an old flame and you never know what may happen!! These sweets are fruit flavoured and slightly fizzy candy, but hey the best thing about them is the little message,'be cool', 'be mine' 'cool dude', the list goes on!
Nigearian Tom Toms
Nigearian Tom TomsDescription
Pear Drops - small
Pear Drops - smallPear drops are a classic british sweet. These boiled beauties are red and yellow, with a strong flavour, there are a few varieties of peardrops and we also sell Jargonalle pears the LARGE variety.
Pear Drops - large
Pear Drops - largeDescription.
Pineapple Cubes
Pineapple CubesPineapple Cubes are chunky sugar encrusted boiled sweets that as the name suggests are cube shaped! A retro favourite these fruity sweets are a classic.
Posh Traffic Lights
Posh Traffic LightsTraffic Light lollies are a red yellow and green lolly that was a childhood favourtite sweet for many.
Rainbow Drops
Rainbow DropsRainbow drops are little sugar coated, brightly coloured puffed rice sweeties... made by Swizzels Matlow, they come in perfectly sized packets.
Rainbow Dust Mega Straws
Rainbow Dust Mega Straws3Description
Rainbow Wheel Lollies
Rainbow Wheel LolliesDescription
RefreshersRefresher Chews are the original lemon flavoured chewy sweet with a zingy sherbet centre and, a blue wrapper. Refresher sweets are the ones that are bigger than all the other chewies.
Rhubard & Custard
Rhubard & CustardRhubarb and Custard hard boiled sweets are an absolute classic, the perfect match of fruity sour rhubarb and sweet creamy custard. These are traditional sweets, from the olden days when a penny bought a lot, have been enjoyed by generations. Out taste testers have sucked and crunched on lots of rhubarb and custard sweets and chosen you the very best.
Roll Ups Gum
Roll Ups GumDescription
Sherbert Lemons
Sherbert LemonsSherbet Lemons - now these are a classic, old fashioned boiled sweet! Lemon Sherberts have a hard lemon boiled sweet with fizzy, zingy sherbet hidden in the centre.
Snickers - dark
Snickers - darkDelicious Snickers Limited Edition Dark. Dark chocolate, peanuts, caramel, and nougat.
Sour Apples
Sour ApplesHand-made, traditional, old-fashioned, sugar coated boiled sweet. A classic sour sweet with added Vitamin C.
Soor Plooms
Soor PloomsSoor Plooms are sweets with a fabulous name and a fabulous colour. The bright green boiled sweets have a sour, fruity taste to make your mouth water.
Stawberry & Cream
Stawberry & CreamStrawberries and Cream boiled sweets combine to flavours that are a match made in candy heaven. Confectionery at its best, strawberry and cream old fashioned sweets are a summery taste that lasts throughout the year.
Sugar Coated Sour Strawberries
Sugar Coated Sour StrawberriesSour Strawberries are a fizzy gummy sweet with a great sour twist.
Sugar Free Cola Cubes
Sugar free Cola bottlesSugar Free Cola Bottles - A classic - with a twist. Yes they are bottle shaped cola flavour sweets - but with no sugar (the sweetness comes from Maltitol Syrup)
Sweetheart Lollies
Sweetheart LolliesDescription
Toasted Teacakes
Toasted TeacakesTaverners Toasted Coconut Teacakes - delicious toasted coconut chewy sweets.
Tropical Lollies
Tropical lolliesJumbo Tropical Fruit Lollies - beautiful, old-fashioned chunky lollipops made using old Yorkshire recipes and traditional methods.
Twist BBQ Sticks
Twist BBQ StickDescription
Twist Flying Saucers
Twist flying saucersTake a stroll down memory lane with this bag containing yummy sherbert filled rice paper treats.
Vanilla Fugde
Vanilla fudgeSoft, creamy and melt-in-your-mouth gorgeous, these classic Vanilla fudge sweets from Sweet Heaven are fudge at its finest. Perfect as car sweets or as a special treat for the kids.
West Indian Limes
West Indian limesWest Indian Limes are boiled sweets with a tangy taste and juicy flavour. These green candy beauties, are refreshingly fruity.
Wham (original)
Wham original3Tongue tingling Original Raspberry flavour Wham chew bar. The ultimate retro classic chew bar!
WhistlesA whistle and a sweet in one! Fruity flavoured candy at one end, a whistle at the other. (Can also be used like a candy lipstick!)
Wonka Fruit Pastilles
Wonka Fruit PastillesDescription
ZED Straberry Jawbreaker
ZED Straberry JawbreakerA Strawberry flavoured Jawbreaker with a hard candy shell and a mega soft bubblegum centre